The Comfort Drive Corridor is Montgomery County’s flagship economic development opportunity. The corridor’s first tenant is Tempur Sealy, which broke ground on a 700,000 square foot production facility in 2021. Now, the county is completing two phases of infrastructure projects to support more industrial development along Comfort Drive between CR 250E and Nucor Road.
During Phase 1 water, wastwater, and roadway improvements will be completed. Comfort Drive will be widened, resurfaced, and improved with a right turn lane onto Nucor Road. At the same time, water and sewer lines will be installed. Further, a new water tower will be on the south side of the railroad tracks and a sanitary sewer lift station will be added at the Tempur Sealy site.
During Phase 2, water and wastewater lines will be extended to CR250E.
This project is being managed by Lochmueller group with design being completed by RQAW and IAW. Survey work will be done by Deckard Engineering.